Well, Hello World!

Hello and welcome to iLL-Logic Studios. This website is basically a depot of all of my desktop applications and Glovepie scripts. There is also a section with my rants and even some code snippets if you're interested. Enjoy! Please leave a comment below, as your feedback is always appreciated. Thanks!


Why use your apps?

Well, that's the beauty of free will, my friends! You don't have to! But you are welcome to use them if you want!

Will your apps give my computer a virus?

No. I do not write malicious software. I am not a hacker. Just a programmer and web developer. But it's up to you to believe me or not.

What are Glovepie scripts?

Glovepie scripts are scripts for Glovepie, a program that allows you to connect bluetooth devices such as the Nintendo Wii remote to your computer and use it to emulate keyboard and mouse functions in order to make certain operations easier such as playing emulators on your PC with the Wii remote rather than using your keyboard. I have written many scripts which do that and more. Check them out while you're here.