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This page contains all of my latest updates and blogs, including entertaining content and more.


Psychosis inducing as well. Very good tho.

Bubba Kush

Seeing things out the corner of my eye, man. Psychosis inducing.

Animal Cookies

Very similar to the Fire from back in the day. Very creative. I love this profile. Nostalgic too.

Wedding Cake (Pink Cookies Phenotype)

Very well rounded bud. A favorite of all.

Candy Platinum

Strong and long lasting. Creativity boost like crazy. Sometimes it intensifies on its own, long into the high. Nice ride.

Silver Haze

i seen the big dipper in the sky one night, but it looked more like an arrow and it pointed at a star directly in front of it. it was as if it was a sign telling us that we need to go to whatever planet that was.

Mendo's Breath

I felt like I got kicked in the head by a donkey. i felt sleepy and cozy as fuck.

Venom OG

I felt locked in. Gravity kept getting heavier and heavier pulling me more and more to the earth. Each hit was killer with inevitable coughing, but the indica was good and strong.